AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: I'm loathe to review this book, as I listened to the audio over a period of a few weeks, while cooking. The problem with this for me is that all the stories are read in the same voice. George Saunders reads them all in a very similar way, making it really difficult to get a sense of the individual voices across stories, and even within them. I had a lot of trouble figuring out which story it was on, and who was speaking at any one time. Some of the stories seem as if they could be related, which added to my confusion. Since I was listening in snippets while cooking, it would take me a while each time to remember which story it was up to.I do suspect that if I were to read this on the page, I would have a better sense of each character's unique voice and a better sense of the overall structure of the book and the stories within it. I also think I would have picked up more detail this way. So I'm rating it 4 stars for now based on these assumptions, with the intention to buy the book and read it properly.