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Bloody Shambles

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Pale Fire: A Poem in Four Cantos by John Shade
Vladimir Nabokov, Brian Boyd
Pale Fire
Vladimir Nabokov
Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
Michael Moynihan, Didrik Søderlind
Under Stones
Bob Franklin
The Erotic Potential of My Wife
David Foenkinos, Yasmine Gaspard
A Corner of White
Jaclyn Moriarty
Winter's Bone
Daniel Woodrell
Progress: 99 %
Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders
Neil Gaiman
The Beetle
Richard Marsh
Wreck This Journal
Keri Smith

Yes, I Farted

Yes, I Farted - G.R. McGoodreader OMG OMG OMG i love this author!

What's amazing about this book is how succinctly it makes a point about taking responsibility for one's own putrid errors. The whole smelly episode does dissipate more quickly when someone takes responsibility. Otherwise it's just a never ending round of finger-pointing. "He who smelled it dealt it" and "OMG that's disgusting. You. Are. SO gross!" accomplishes nothing.

But back to the GR-approved portion of the review..
OMG i can't believe she did that! i cant wait til the next in the series rofl